Goals and progression


The development of a culturally sensitive toolbox is based on an analysis of “the state-of – the art” in Denmark, Romania and Spain about transition (work package 2), and development, testing and evaluation of concrete tools (work package 3). In work package 4, the developed, tested and evaluated tools will be included in an online teaching course on approx. 25 hours aimed at staff in nurseries in EU. The teaching course will have a Danish, English, Romanian and Spanish version. The course will have a Danish formal recognition with ECTS point

Needs to address

The Butterfly project focuses on four issues regarding children’s transition from family care to day care.

  1. The formal education of staff for young children has low status in the EU, which means low salary and short training. In the coming years EU will lack a well-qualified workforce. The project addresses this issue by developing an online teaching course aimed at actual and potential staff.
  2. The Butterfly project addresses a lack of participation of children with disabilities and in vulnerable situations in institutions by creating a strong collaboration between institutions, local communities, social, health and child protection initiatives, parents/families and NGO’s. (The European Child Guarantee, 2021)
  3. The Butterfly Project promotes an understanding of the young child as a social actor. This has major consequences for the curriculum and pedagogy in the nurser.
  4. There are a limited number of research studies about children experience of the transition from family care to day care and a lack of knowledge about relations between the family’s educational background and cultural, socio-economic status and a child’s experience of well-being in day care.